Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Making Change Happen

With inspiration from Tim Ferris and the Working Nomad I'm embarking on my own web-based venture. Over the next several months I will launch websites. And to get things started I'm setting 3 goals for myself in the following order:

1. Earn $900 per month
2. Replace my current monthly income
3. Quit my 9-5 job to travel more.

Truth be known, I'd rather do #3 first and then figure out the rest. But right now I'm a bit too chicken to do that. Plus the bank wouldn't appreciate me not paying my mortgage. And since I like where I live right now....lets start with goal number one.

I've launched other unsuccessful blogs in the past. They problem was I had no direction or purpose for them other than to rant about current events. This time I have goals in mind. I have a plan and a purpose.

Come along on this journey!

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Hey there,

This is Kirsty from Nerdy Nomad. Just wanted to say good luck with your goals. I love your pet travel site idea and the Adsense income you're getting for your house site is very good... you just need to get more visitors. Keep focused and you'll be well on your way.

Nice blog, too.
